Become a Member

Catch the Vision of Legacy

Becoming a member of Legacy Church is as easy as 1, 2, 3... three easy steps to catching our vision, building deeper relationships with one another, and growing alongside other believers in a Kingdom-minded culture setting.

  1. CATCH THE VISION CLASS: Connect with the Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Core Values of Legacy Church. This membership class will dive into why we exist as a church and how we are all called to be part of what God is doing in the Body of Christ.

  2. RELATIONSHIP BUILDING: God created every person with purpose and He instilled gifts inside each one of us to benefit our lives and the lives of others. Schedule a separate time to meet 1-on-1 with Legacy leadership so we can get to know you -- your heart, your passions, your purpose -- and you get to know us.

  3. ENGAGE IN OUR CULTURE: Engage in the life of the church and join a family committed to seeing lives and cities transformed by Jesus' Kingdom!

Legacy Church - New Members Class - September 29, 2024